Received payment from the city for inspector / wine gauger duties

January 23, 1719

Notary Adriaen Hoppesteijn Van Leeuwen. 

This document continues the accounting of December 15, 1717, which it references.
For the period beginning October 1717.
The people involved have two named roles: steward (rendant) and comparant, someone who appears before a notary. Although the others are not specified, they are the debtors (schuldenaren), and the creditors (schuldeisers).
Those who appeared are Hendrick Vockestaert, secretary, Jacobus de Waal, Willem de Man, Jan Landsvelt and Cornelis Mees, all listed as stewards of the excise tax system, and Wilhem Jansz de Vegter, tax collector. All except de Waal and de Man were directeurs of the previous accounting statement.
The document involves only two debtors by name, Jan Nobel and Lijsbeth Joosten, both repeated from the previous statement. Nobel is a grossier/wholesaler.
This document also lists six people appearing (comparanten): Cornelis van Steenvoorden, Gerardus Schiefbaan, Cornelis Hoogeveen, Evert van Schoonevelt, Joris de Man, and Jacob van Brienen.
Maarten van Bleijswijk repeats, this time as receiver (ontvanger); his office received monthly payments from the wine merchants and retailers.
Of the ten creditors, four are process servers or bailiffs (deurwaarders), two of them repeated: Andries van Renssen and Dirk Meschhert. Two are listed as innkeeper (hospes): Hendrik van der Sijde and Jacom Blom. Two others are Adriaan Beman, who printed the forms, and Maarten van Adrichem, who _____.
The two guagers (peijlders) also repeat: Jan Mommael and Antonij Leeuwenhoek.
Wilhem Janse de Vegter collecteur
Maarten van Bleijswijk ontvanger
Antonij Leeuwenhoek peilder
Andries van Renssen deurwaarder
Dirk Menschert deurwaarder
Marcus van Garnisee deurwaarder
Aarnoud Stocks deurwaarder
Jan Mommaal peilder


ONA Delft inv. 2566A, fol.9

Summary of the document:
