Publisher's summary:
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) saw what no one had seen before. Red blood cells, bacteria, sperm cells and much more. His microscopes were unsurpassed in simplicity and power. His discoveries stunned science. A celebrated researcher and fellow of the Royal Society, he was visited by the greats of the world, including Tsar Peter the Great. Unprejudiced, Antoni wandered around in the wonderful world of microbiology. Virologists who research COVID-19 actually stand on his shoulders.
Invisible Life portrays a curious and driven researcher who went his own way. Who dealt with Delft market people just as easily as with magistrates. And who, as an autodidact, garnered admiration and was exposed to condescending criticism.
Prometheus Uitgeverij € 27.50
Amazon € 27.50

From the publisher's website (trans. from Dutch):
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek saw incredibly small animals and particles everywhere: in well water, semen, the contents of blackheads and everything else he looked at through his ingenious self-built microscopes. In the seventeenth century, for example, he opened the door to a new world full of creatures and structures that no one had ever seen, and he became a celebrated researcher. Even today, three centuries after his death, his work is admired. But at the same time, some of his ideas sound strange to us. Many, small and curious explains how his smart, wonderful and astonishing ideas fit in with his time, and how Van Leeuwenhoek pointed nature research in an unexpected direction.
Spectrumboeken € 24.99